You can also switch gravity and walk on the ceiling, which is the key to a number of boss fights. The player becomes an infernal Phoenix and annihilates everything in their path, using a small amount of life energy in the process.

The aforementioned Zero Teleport also allows for a devastating attack when used with full life energy. It also introduces a neat teleport ability which allows the player to dash to either side of the battlefield with a simple Down + L or R + C, and limited hovering for attacking in the center part of the screen. There are six weapons in total, which are selected at the beginning of each stage and can be selected by hitting A during the game. It uses an expanded version of the Gunstar Heroes control scheme for maximum xenomorph destruction allowing the player to select between the fixed & free shot options – in the middle of gameplay this time – as well as four separate weapons with limited ammunition. In Alien Soldier, you control a gigantic bird-like human named Epsilon-Eagle, as you fight the forces of the evil Xi-Tiger. The amount of practice needed to build technique solid enough to take down all of the 28 bosses and mini bosses throughout the 24 stages is daunting to say the least.

There are small stages full of cannon fodder, but these are mostly reserved for attempting to refill one’s weaponry & life energy, and taking a small breather between the bosses. The designers of Gunstar Heroes decided to take the solid foundation of play mechanics built by that title, expand the functionality, up the ante, and create a great big Boss Rush orgy. Setting the “68000 Heart On Fire” indeed. Alien Soldier is game design at its finest. This game pushes the Mega Drive, and the player, to the absolute limits of their powers with a confident, almost arrogant effortlessness. That said, it is also an almost unequivocal technical masterpiece, and a veritable rite of passage for the serious action gamer. Treasure’s Mega Drive blast-a-thon Alien Soldier is nearly impenetrable, unforgiving, exhausting and infuriating.